The Australian Unmanned Systems Academy is a CASA certified training provider for various Aviation (Remote Pilot) courses and qualifications.

Available Courses


These qualifications are primarily relevant to individuals operating remotely piloted aircraft systems (RPAs):

  • Within Visual Line of Sight (VLOS).
  • Up to 400 feet Above Ground Level (AGL).
  • In day Visual Meteorological Conditions (VMC).
  • Outside of controlled airspace.
  • Greater than three nautical miles from an aerodrome.
  • Outside of populous areas.

Additional qualifications are available to provide individuals to reduce these limitations. This allows pilots to fly in many different aircraft and complex scenarios, such as:

  • Multirotor aircraft in sub-25Kg weight classes (license upgrades available).
  • Fixed wing aircraft in sub-25Kg weight classes (license upgrades available).
  • Vertical Take-Off and Landing (VTOL) aircraft in sub-25Kg weight classes (license upgrades available).
  • Night flying under VLOS conditions.
  • Multi-person crew operations and management.
  • Aeronautical Radio Operators Certificate (AROC) and Aviation English Language Proficiency (AELP)

There are also unqualified courses for pilots that would like general flight training:

  • Introductory RPA Course sub-2Kg
  • Multirotor Refresher Course
  • Fixed Wing Refresher Course