What things do RPAS pilots need to perceive (consider the bubble below):
Most accidents are caused because the crew failed to perceive the situation.
Alerts are designed/programmed to perceive and then alert us to their perceptions:
What things do RPAS pilots need to comprehend (consider the bubble below):
Components of Projection
What things do RPAS pilots need to project (consider the bubble below):
Situational Awareness involves:
What biases affect our Situational Awareness?
A bias may exist when predictions during planning do not occur.
Consider how these 5 points would occur during an OEI ILS:
If we need to seek data, evaluate the information for reasonableness and search for alternatives, would this require time?
Time? Sometimes this takes time…..
If necessary, enter FDODAR:
Hopefully the test above has shown the issues with identifying our have our own individual SA. Individuals monitor their environment for potential problems so they can be corrected before they escalate.
Beware of fixation of attention or tunnel vision. For example, consider the accident of 1978 United Airlines Portland, Oregon, which crashed due to running out of fuel while addressing a landing gear problem.
In dynamic environments be vigilant to change blindness. (‘Gorillas in our midst’)
Consider the following questions:
What strategies can be practised to improve those tools for the long-term memory?
What is one threat to these long-term memory strategies?
Anticipate future events by monitoring for threats and change! Consider running an operation into a CTAF/ Uncontrolled aerodrome (e.g. Toowoomba, YTWB):
Teams have individual SA and shared SA!
A shared SA provides a shared understanding of the same situation. This can have a cyclic nature:
An individual’s SA develops -> shared -> this develops and modifies team SA.
Critical Elements:
Organised bodies of knowledge that are shared across members of a team.
Effective teams require the existence of SMM. When communication is limited SMM allows team members to anticipate other members behaviours and information requirements.
What in our operation enables good SMM to exist? One example is a SOP, but there can be other tools to help as well!
If you have ever watched Star Trek Discovery…
Situational Awareness is sending, receiving and retrieving information from people and automation…
It’s not just sending, receiving, and retrieving information, it’s also how we use that information with our knowledge and communication to manage our current situation!
And when should this occur…?