RPAS on the Ground – Background Knowledge

Decision Making

Decision making is a skill fundamental to all aviation operations. A pilot must be aware of factors that may influence decision making, in order that appropriate and relevant decisions may be made.

Please revise aeronautical decision-making processes.

Decision making was discussed in AVIF0021 – HF6 – Decision Making

Airfield Markings, Indicators and Lights

One of a pilot’s fundamental skills is knowing where to find information, and subsequently interpreting that information.

Advisory Circulars (ACs) provide advice and guidance to explain particular regulatory requirements of the Civil Aviation Safety Regulations 1998 (CASR) or associated Manual of Standards (MOS).

An AC should always be read in conjunction with the referring regulations.

Please refer to:  ADVISORY CIRCULAR AC 139.C-09v1.0

This circular details the requirements for an airfield, and references the standards for those requirements.