All aviation headsets have the ability to transmit and receive.
Some are better at protecting from hearing loss. (eg David Clarks)
Some are noise cancelling (doesn’t protect from hearing loss). (eg Bose)
Some are not required to protect from hearing loss or noise cancelling. (e.g. seinheiser headsets are commonly used in jets.)
To turn a handheld radio on turn the Power/ Volume switch clockwise.
Avionics = Aviation + Electronics
Avionics refers to all the aircrafts electronics, this can include Navigation Units, GPWS, Autopilot systems, Flight Management Guidance Systems / Computers etc. Avionics Engineers are specialists who maintain these electronics.
To turn a fixed radio on:
Frequencies are generally selected in the Standby (right hand frequency display):
Radio interfaces in more advanced aircraft will look similar to these.
Garmin combine radios and GPWS navigation in this example.
Airbus radio frequencies are selected via a Radio Management Panel (RMP) – not shown
Airbus Audio is selected via an Audio Control Panel (ACP) – bottom left