The influence of the Centre of Gravity (CG) position on aircraft performance, stability and manoeuvrability varies along the flight, depending on the phase of flight. The main safety issues related to an inappropriate position of the CG depend on whether the CG is forward or aft as developed hereafter.
A C.o.G. position that is too far forward induces such a big pitch-down moment that the aircraft manoeuvrability can no longer be guaranteed.
The more forward the C.o.G., the bigger the horizontal stabilizer and elevator deflections needed to give the aircraft a pitch-up attitude to compensate for the pitch-down moment. However, at some point of C.o.G. forward position, the horizontal stabilizer and elevator maximum deflections are reached, and the aircraft cannot be manoeuvred any more.
As an example for take-off, if the C.o.G. position is too far forward, the aircraft has such a “heavy nose” that the correct take-off rotation rate using the elevator becomes impossible to reach. The impact of an excessively forward C.o.G. position on aircraft manoeuvrability applies at all phases of flight. However, it is most noticeable at low speed due to the reduced effectiveness of the elevators.
A C.o.G. exceeding the most forward C.o.G. position of the envelope is also the most penalizing situation in terms of aircraft performance.
The take-off and landing performance is calculated based on the most forward C.o.G. position within the envelope. Therefore, if the C.o.G. position is even more forward, the actual aircraft performance will be lower than the calculated one.
Impact on aircraft structure at take-off
On the ground, the total weight of the aircraft is supported by both the nose and main gears, the further forward the C.o.G., the bigger the proportion of total weight is carried by the nose landing gear. At high weights (TOW), if the C.o.G. position exceeds the most forward C.o.G. position of the envelope, the aircraft structural limits of the nose landing gear can be reached with a consequent risk of damage.
A C.o.G. aft position brings the C.o.G. close to the C.o.P.
Exceeding the C.o.G. most aft position of the envelope can lead to a variety of safety issues.
Flight plans are highly dependent upon aircraft weight.
When an aircraft is heavier, this affects climb performance and flight level capability as well as available payload and range potential.
Weight is always one of most important flight planning considerations as it impacts overall performance/range so dramatically.
The airspeed read directly from the airspeed indicator on an aircraft, typically a pitot-static system.
IAS uses the difference between total (dynamic) pressure and static pressure, provided by the system, to either mechanically or electronically measure dynamic pressure.
It is the ratio of the speed of the aircraft to the speed of sound in the gas determines the magnitude of many of the compressibility effects.
Because of the importance of this speed ratio, aerodynami-cists have designated it with a special parameter called the Mach number in honour of Ernst Mach, a late 19th century physicist who studied gas dynamics.
The Mach number M allows us to define flight regimes in which compressibility effects vary…
… i.e. it takes into account airspeed, and the type of air you’re flying in!
There is typically also a “designed flap speed”
V1 is the critical engine failure recognition speed:
The V1 speed can be affected by many different factors, such as:
V2 is the speed at which the airplane will climb in the event of an engine failure. It is known as the take-off safety speed.
Officially the term flight number refers to the numeric part (up to four digits) of a flight code:
Registered aircraft in Australia are assigned unique registration marks. The format includes:
Note: There are special cases where dealer marks are assigned to individuals and organisations.
A completed load sheet contains weight and balance data pertaining to a particular flight.
This includes the weight of the aircraft, crew, pantry, fuel, passengers, baggage, cargo and mail. Where necessary, it contains details of the distribution of this load.