Multirotor Aerodynamics – Multirotor Design

Multirotor Airframe Design

How can we classify a multirotor airframe?

  • Size?
  • Number of propellers?
  • Style?

Consider comparing them to an aeroplane airframe:

  • Wingspan (for symmetric aircraft): Distance from on motor to the opposite motor
    • Wingspan is valid for symmetric designs, and for “cross-frames” is typically the span from one blade to the opposite. In general, it could be said to be the longest distance from one propeller-centre to another.
  • Propellers: Quadrotor, Trirotor, Hexarotor, Octorotor, Dodecarotor…
    • The propeller count really depends on the airframe itself, but the examples there are:
      • Trirotor = 3 propellers (and an extra servo to control yaw)
      • Quadrotor = 4 propellers (shown)
      • Hexarotor = 6 propellers
      • Octorotor = 8 properllers
      • Dodecarotor = 12 propellers
  • Style: X, +, Y, H, …?
    • Airframes come in many different forms, and each have different benefits:
      • Redundancy (designs with >4 motors)
      • Mechanical Simplicity (designs with minimal motors & arms)
      • Agility (Smaller wingspan)
      • Stability (Larger wingspan)
      • Mounting locations
      • Visibility
Multirotor Weight & Balance

Characteristics of weight (in short):

  • More weight => less flight time!
  • More weight => more stability
  • More weight (or more spread-out weight) => less agility

A bit more information:

  • More weight (with same amount of power) will reduce our flight time
  • Weight in general will stop us getting blown around by the wind, and will make the platform more stable (larger inertia)
  • A multirotor with a smaller weight distribution will be more agile than an aircraft with a large weight distribution (as a smaller moment is required to rotate the aircraft)
  • Explain the “15 minute” rule (thurst-to-weight ratio of 2:1 (?) typically results in 15-20 minute flights with current battery technology)
Adding bigger batteries will get more flight time but has diminishing returns! This is because larger batteries means more weight. Source:

Weight balance (in short):

  • The location of the Centre of Gravity (CoG) determines the RPA’s stability
  • A CoG that is not centred laterally will cause a loss of efficiency (some motors will need to work harder!)

A bit more information:

  • The CoG really should be as close to the airframe centre as possible for best performance
  • CoG below the prop-line will cause pendulousity to help stabilise the aircraft (assuming it has enough thrust to still be properly controlled)
  • CoG above the prop-line is unstable, and may cause control issues (but can still be OK if it’s not significantly high)
  • CoG that is not in the roll/pitch centre of the aircraft will cause a mis-match in thrust, meaning some props will have to work harder than others (loss of efficiency, worse control performance)
There’s a lot of complicated math, but really, we just want the C.o.G. close to the centre!

“Pendulosity” is the term used to describe the position of the centre of gravity:

  • The closer the CoG is to the centre of the RPA, the easier the RPA is to control
  • A CoG below the prop-line will be naturally stable
  • A CoG above the prop-line will be naturally unstable
Multirotor Airframe Dihedral

Dihedral in an aircraft is intended to stabilise the aircraft in ‘roll’. The natural position of the aircraft is roll-centred.

Dihedral on a multirotor has exactly the same effect!

  • The multirotor will gain a natural tendency to correct slight rotations around the lateral axes (roll and pitch)
    • A small dihedral (4° – 6°) is typical for most small multirotors. They will gain a slight increase in stability at the cost of a small reduction in efficiency.
    • The multirotor will gain a natural tendency to correct slight shifts in around the horizontal axes – as in this context multirotor aircraft don’t have a ‘nose’ or ‘tail’.
  • It may also help with stability during movements, ascent, and descent
Multirotor Aerodynamic Stall

If multirotor RPA don’t have wings… can they still stall?

Of course! A quadrotor has four rotating wings!

We call this propeller stall, and it affects all propellers (including aeroplane propellers). Propellers are often designed to avoid stalling:

  • Tapering
  • Sweep
  • Changing AoA
Typical shape for a simple propeller
Propeller with a large sweep
Multirotor Ring Vortex State

The beginnings of a propeller stall can be seen in the Ring Vortex State (RVS).

This occurs when the aircraft passes through the trailing vortices of the propellers:

  • Flying in extremely gusty air
  • Rapidly descending into the propeller wash
  • Flying close to the ground (in the “ground effect”)